TV History Amazing Stories Amazing Stories Amazing Stories Cuentos Asombrosos Cuentos Desde la Cripta Histoires fantastiques Historias Asombrosas Historias de Ultratumba Les contes de la crypte Tales From the Crypt Tales From the Crypt Tales From the Crypt Tales From the Crypt
Movie History Sweetwater: A True Rock Story 1999 Drop Dead Rock 1999 Face Down 1997 Face Down 1997 Lover's Knot 1996 Lover's Knot 1996 Lover's Knot 1996 Lover's Knot 1996 A Sailor's Tattoo 1995 Cyber Bandits 1995 Cyber Bandits 1995 Love Bites 1992 Love Bites 1992 Love Bites: The Reluctant Vampire 1992 Sunset Heat 1991 Sunset Heat 1991 Sunset Heat 1991 Sunset Heat 1991 Midnight Heat 1991 Trust Me 1989 Trust Me 1989 Out of Time 1988 Out of Time 1988 World Gone Wild 1988 World Gone Wild 1988 Cold Steel 1987 Cold Steel 1987 Slam Dance 1987 Slamdance 1987 Slamdance 1987 Spellcaster 1987 Spellcaster 1987 Nomads 1986 Nomads 1986 Jubilee 1978 Jubilee 1978