Movie History My Journey Through French Cinema 2016 My Journey Through French Cinema 2016 The Day of the Crows 2012 The Day of the Crows 2012 Gainsbourg 2011 Gainsbourg 2011 Gainsbourg - Der Mann, der die Frauen liebte 2011 Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life 2011 Cinema Goes to Dinner 2005 Cinema Goes to Dinner 2005 Summer on a Soft Slope 1987 L'Ete en Pente Douce 1987 Polar 1984 Stuntwoman 1977 El animal 1977 Criminal Story 1968 La ruta de Corinto 1968 Who's Got the Black Box 1968 Six in Paris 1965 Six in Paris 1965 Hard Boiled Ones 1964 Bitter Reunion 1958 Handsome Serge 1958 Fool's Mate 1956 Checkmate 1956 The Kreutzer Sonata 1956 The Kreutzer Sonata 1956