Movie History Requiem for a Gunfighter 1965 Requiem for a Gunfighter 1965 The Devil's Bedroom 1962 Shadow of the Boomerang 1960 The Cool and the Crazy 1958 The Cool and the Crazy 1958 The Wild Dakotas 1956 The Wild Dakotas 1956 The Last of the Pony Riders 1953 The Last of the Pony Riders 1953 Wagon Team 1952 Wagon Team 1952 Fort Worth 1951 Fort Worth 1951 Rocky Mountain 1950 Rocky Mountain 1950 Redwood Forest Trail 1950 Redwood Forest Trail 1950 Sons of New Mexico 1949 Sons of New Mexico 1949 The Strawberry Roan 1948 The Strawberry Roan 1948 Ein himmlischer Sünder 1943 Heaven Can Wait 1943 Heaven Can Wait 1943 The Vanishing Virginian 1941 Pinocchio 1940 Pinocchio: DisneyView 1940 Pinocchio: Sing-Along Version 1940 Pinóquio 1940 The Howards of Virginia 1940 The Howards of Virginia 1940 Virginia City 1940 Virginia City 1940 Virginia City 1940 Virginia City 1940 Pinocchio 1940 Hi-Yo Silver 1940 Hi-Yo Silver 1940 City in Terror 1939 Nancy Drew -- Reporter 1939 Nancy Drew -- Reporter 1939 Sky Patrol 1939 Sergeant Madden 1939 Sky Patrol 1939 The Man Who Dared 1939 The Man Who Dared 1939 A Man to Remember 1938 Flying Fists 1938 Flying Fists 1938 A Man to Remember 1938 Hopalong Cassidy The Frontiersmen 1938 The Frontiersmen 1938 The Frontiersmen 1938 The Last Comeback 1938 Black Legion 1937 Black Legion 1937 Blake of Scotland Yard 1937 Blake of Scotland Yard 1937 Hollywood Round-Up 1937 Hollywood Round-Up 1937 Hollywood Round-Up 1937 Love Is on the Air 1937 Love Is on the Air 1937 Love Is on the Air 1937 Ready, Willing and Able 1937 The Kid Comes Back 1937 The Kid Comes Back 1937 Moonlight on the Prairie 1936 Daniel Boone 1936 Daniel Boone 1936 Trail of the Hawk 1935 Trail of the Hawk 1935 The Hawk 1935 Westward Ho 1935 Westward Ho 1935 Queen of the Jungle 1935