Movie History The Scent of the Night 1998 The Scent of the Night 1998 Missione eroica: I pompieri 2 1987 Missione Eroica 1987 Missione Eroica 1987 Love at First Sight 1985 Colpo di fulmine 1985 Lobster for Breakfast 1979 L'adolescente 1976 L'adolescente 1976 Two Hearts, A Chapel 1975 Two Hearts, A Chapel 1975 Three Cheers for Us 1974 The Handsome Devil 1974 The Handsome Devil 1974 Bello come un arcangelo 1974 The Scopone Game 1972 The Scientific Cardplayer 1972 Lo Scopone Scientifico 1972 Lo Scopone Scientifico 1972 Ultimo tango a Zagarol