Movie History The Lion's Den 1936 The Lion's Den 1936 King of the Pecos 1936 King of the Pecos 1936 The Sagebrush Troubador 1935 The Sagebrush Troubador 1935 The Vanishing Shadow 1934 The Vanishing Shadow 1934 Law and Lawless 1933 Strange People 1933 Strange People 1933 Law and Lawless 1933 Gun Law 1933 Gun Law 1933 Upstage 1926 Upstage 1926 Tricks 1925 Lights of Old Broadway 1925 Yankee Doodle, Jr. 1922 Roman Candles 1922 What Do Men Want 1921 What Do Men Want 1921 For the Soul of Rafael 1920 Mid-Channel 1920 For the Soul of Rafael 1920