TV History Death Valley Days Death Valley Days Maestra y Seductora Monsters Monsters Monsters Pâques sanglantes Premiere Premiere Premiere Playhouse Seduced by Madness Seduced by Madness Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story Seducida por la Locura Seduzida Pela Loucura Sons and Daughters The Man Behind the Badge Zane Grey Theatre
Movie History Auf die stürmische Art 1999 Bicentennial Man 1999 Bicentennial Man 1999 Forces of Nature 1999 Forces of Nature 1999 Schemes 1995 In the Heat of the Night: Who Was Geli Bendl? 1994 In the Heat of the Night: Who Was Geli Bendl? 1994 Meu Primeiro Amor 2 1993 Mi chica 2 1993 Miracle Child 1993 My Girl 2 1993 My Girl 2 1993 My Girl 2: Meine große Liebe 1993 Miracle Child 1993 The Haunted 1991 The Haunted 1991 The Final Days 1989 The Final Days 1989 Deadman's Curve 1978 Lifeguard 1976 Lifeguard 1976 The Six Million Dollar Man 1973 The Six Million Dollar Man 1973 In Search of America 1971 Texas 1966 Texas Across the River 1966 Texas Across the River 1966 Seis caballos negros 1962 Six Black Horses 1962 Six Black Horses 1962 Il pianeta proibito 1956 Forbidden Planet 1956 Forbidden Planet 1956 Destry 1955 Destry 1955 Soldier of Fortune 1955 Soldier of Fortune 1955 Border River 1954 Border River 1954 Río fronterizo 1954 Río fronterizo 1954 Vigilante Terror 1953 The Lawless Breed 1953 The Lawless Breed 1953 The Homesteaders 1953 The Homesteaders 1953 Historia de un condenado 1953 Arena 1953 Arena 1953 Radar Men From the Moon 1952 Radar Men From the Moon 1952 Retik, the Moon Menace 1952