Movie History Teacher: The Test 2018 Kalachi 2011 A Pair of Chestnut Horses 2011 A Pair of Chestnut Horses 2011 Wish 2009 Three and Snow - maiden 2007 Bless the Woman 2003 Bless the Woman 2003 Blagoslovite zhenshchinu 2003 Blagoslovite zhenschinu 2003 Come Look At Me 2001 Poor Liza 2000 Old Hags 2000 Poor Liza 2000 Starye klyachi 2000 Roman 'Alla Russa' 1994 Il proiezionista 1991 Il proiezionista 1991 The Inner Circle 1991 The Inner Circle 1991 Zabytaya melodiya dlya fleyty 1987 Odinokaya zhenshchina zhelaet poznakomitsya 1986 Without Witness 1983 Without Witnesses 1983 Without Witness 1983 Sem Testemunhas 1983 Ohne Zeugen 1983 In Private 1983 Bez Svideteley 1983 Bez svidetelej 1983 A Private Conversation 1983 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson Part 1 1981 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles 1981 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles 1981 Otpusk v sentyabre 1979 Strannaia zhenshchina 1977 Stranger letters 1976 Someone Else's Letters 1976 Somebody Else's Letters 1976 Chuzhie pis'ma 1976 Another Person's Letters 1976 Zvezda plenitelnogo schastya 1975 Zvezda plenitelnogo schastya 1975 The Star of Fascinating Happiness 1975 The Captivating Star of Happiness 1975 Another Person's Letters 1975 Romans o vlyublyonnykh 1974 A Nest of Gentlefolk 1969 A Nest of Gentlefolk 1969 Strange Letters