TV History Robin de Sherwood Robin Hood Robin Hood and the Sorcerer Robin Hood and the Sorcerer Robin of Sherwood Robin of Sherwood Robin of Sherwood The Adventures of Robin Hood The Adventures of Robin Hood
Movie History Circles in the Forest 1990 Circles in a Forest 1990 Reunion at Fairborough 1985 Reunion at Fairborough 1985 Adventures of Robin Hood 1984 Robin Hood and the Witch of Elsdon 1983 Robin Hood and the Undead 1983 Robin Hood and the Time of the Wolf 1983 Robin Hood and the Spirit of Sherwood 1983 Robin Hood and the Prince's Fury 1983 Robin Hood and the Power of Albion 1983 Robin Hood and the Minstrel's Lady 1983 Robin Hood and King Arthur's Ghost 1983 Living Apart Together 1982 Living Apart Together 1982