TV History Adventures in Dairyland Disney's Wonderful World The New Adventures of Spin and Marty The New Adventures of Spin and Marty Wonderful World of Disney
Movie History Inferno am Fluss 1968 Blue 1968 Blue 1968 A Tiger Walks 1964 A Tiger Walks 1964 Johnny Shiloh 1963 Savage Sam 1963 Savage Sam 1963 The Mooncussers 1962 Bon Voyage! 1962 Bon Voyage! 1962 Aquamania 1961 Babes in Toyland 1961 Babes in Toyland 1961 Aquamania 1961 Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks With a Circus 1960 Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks With a Circus 1960 Toby Tyler 1960 Toby Tyler 1960 Swiss Family Robinson 1960 Swiss Family Robinson 1960 Pollyanna 1960 Pollyanna 1960 Pollyanna 1960 Moochie of Pop Warner Football 1960 The Shaggy Dog 1959 Moochie of the Little League 1959 The Shaggy Dog 1959 The Shaggy Dog 1959 The Shaggy Dog 1959 Fiel amigo 1957 Old Yeller 1957 Old Yeller 1957 Spin & Marty: The Movie 1955