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Movie History Dead Men Dont Die 1990 Dead Men Don't Die 1990 Dead Men Don't Die 1990 Los fantasmas atacan al jefe 1988 Die Geister, die ich rief ... 1988 Los fantasmas atacan al jefe 1988 Scrooged 1988 Scrooged 1988 The Gong Show Movie 1980 The Gong Show Movie 1980 The Jerk 1979 The Jerk 1979 The Wiz 1978 The Wiz 1978 Motowns Wizard of Oz 1978 Scott Joplin 1977 Scott Joplin 1977 The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings 1976 The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings 1976 Ganja & Hess 1973 Ganja & Hess 1973 Double Possessions 1973 Blood Couple 1973 Blood Couple 1973 Don't Play Us Cheap 1972