TV History All Creatures Great & Small All Creatures Great & Small All Creatures Great & Small All Creatures Great and Small All Creatures Great and Small Armchair Theatre Criaturas Grandes y Pequeñas Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh Man and the Snake Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes
Movie History The Countess Alice 1992 The Countess Alice 1992 Kokoda Crescent 1989 Kokoda Crescent 1989 Frenzy 1972 Frenzy 1972 Frenzy 1972 Frenzy 1972 Frenzy 1972 Arancia meccanica 1971 Laranja Mecânica 1971 Uhrwerk Orange 1971 A Clockwork Orange 1971 A Clockwork Orange 1971 A Clockwork Orange 1971 This Is My Street 1964 This Is My Street 1964 Witness in the Dark 1959 Witness in the Dark 1959