Movie History A Brooklyn State of Mind 1997 A Brooklyn State of Mind 1997 A Time to Remember 1988 A Time to Remember 1988 Deadly Intentions 1985 Nunzio 1978 Nunzio 1978 Nunzio 1978 The Godfather, Part II: Remastered 1974 The Godfather, Part II 1974 The Godfather, Part II 1974 Il Padrino - Parte 2 1974 El padrino. Parte II 1974 Der Pate II 1974 Baba II 1974 Der Pate 1972 El padrino 1972 El padrino 1972 El padrino 1972 Il Padrino 1972 The Godfather 1972 O Poderoso Chefão 1972 The Godfather 1972 The Godfather: Remastered 1972 Baba 1972