TV History Screen Directors Playhouse Screen Directors Playhouse The General Foods 25th Anniversary Show The General Foods 25th Anniversary Show
Movie History Mirrors 1985 Mirrors 1985 Song Without End 1960 Song Without End 1960 Kiss Me, Kate 1958 The Return of Wildfire 1948 The Prince of Thieves 1948 Sofia 1948 Sofia 1948 Queen of the Amazons 1947 Queen of the Amazons 1947 Song of the Thin Man 1947 Song of the Thin Man 1947 Tarzan and the Huntress 1947 Tarzan and the Huntress 1947 Sherlock Holmes in Dressed to Kill 1946 Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Code 1946 Sherlock Holmes in Dressed to Kill 1946 Sherlock Holmes in Dressed to Kill 1946 Sherlock Holmes in Dressed to Kill 1946 Sherlock Holmes: Dressed to Kill 1946 Sherlock Holmes: Dressed to Kill 1946 Sherlock Holmes: Dressed to Kill 1946 Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Code 1946 Sherlock Holmes: Prelude to Murder 1946 Sherlock Holmes: Prelude to Murder 1946 Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Code 1946 Sherlock Holmes - Vestida para Matar 1946 Dressed to Kill 1946 Danger Woman 1946 Sherlock Holmes - Jagd auf Spieldosen 1946 Prelude to Murder 1946 Prelude to Murder 1946 Dressed to Kill 1946 Dressed to Kill 1946 Sherlock Holmes - Vestida para Matar 1946 Dressed to Kill 1946 Danger Woman 1946 Lady on a Train 1945 Lady on a Train 1945 Without Love 1945 Without Love 1945 Calling Dr. Death 1943 Calling Dr. Death 1943 Calling Dr. Death 1943 Hitler's Madman 1943 Silver Skates 1943 The Fallen Sparrow 1943 The Fallen Sparrow 1943 Are Husbands Necessary? 1942 A Night in New Orleans 1942 One Night in Lisbon 1941 The Roundup 1941 Romance of the Rio Grande 1941 Untamed 1940 Persons in Hiding 1939