TV History A Man Called Sloane An American Anthem An American Anthem Assignment: Vienna Baa Baa Black Sheep Baa Baa Black Sheep Black Sheep Squadron Black Sheep Squadron Centennial Centennial Centennial Colt 45 Colt 45 Hawaiian Eye Hawaiian Eye High Sierra Search and Rescue High Sierra Search and Rescue High Sierra Search and Rescue James West Jim West Jingle All the Way Director's Cut Las Aventuras de Jim West Les mystères de l'Ouest Les Têtes brûlées Recordando a Jim West Red Nightmare Red Nightmare Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live The D.A. The D.A. The Wild, Wild West The Wild, Wild West The Wild, Wild West
Movie History Dead Above Ground 2002 Jingle All the Way 1996 Jingle All the Way 1996 Jingle All the Way 1996 Jingle All the Way: Family Fun Edition 1996 Um Herói de Brinquedo 1996 Versprochen ist versprochen 1996 Justice for the Innocent 1994 Justice for the Innocent 1994 Search and Rescue 1994 Samurai Cowboy 1994 Search and Rescue 1994 Two Fathers: Justice for the Innocent 1994 Two Fathers: Justice for the Innocent 1994 Sworn to Vengeance 1993 Sworn to Vengeance 1993 Mario and the Mob 1992 Mario and the Mob 1992 Anything to Survive 1990 Jesse Hawkes 1989 Glory Days 1988 Glory Days 1988 Police Story: Gladiator School 1988 High Mountain Rangers 1987 Assassin 1986 Assassin 1986 Charley Hannah 1986 Golem 1986 One Police Plaza 1986 One Police Plaza 1986 One Police Plaza 1986 The Fifth Missile 1986 The Fifth Missile 1986 Two Fathers' Justice 1985 Two Fathers' Justice 1985 Confessions of a Married Man 1983 Hard Knox 1983 Hard Knox 1983 Wrong Is Right 1982 Wrong Is Right 1982 Objetivo mortal 1982 Homem com a Lente Mortal 1982 The Man With the Deadly Lens 1982 Will: G. Gordon Liddy 1982 Will: G. Gordon Liddy 1982 Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy 1981 Coach of the Year 1980 Coach of the Year 1980 More Wild Wild West 1980 The Wild Wild West Revisited 1979 The Wild Wild West Revisited 1979 The Lady in Red 1979 The Lady in Red 1979 Guns, Sin and Bathtub Gin 1979 Breaking Up Is Hard to Do 1979 Sudden Death 1977 Black Sheep Squadron 1976 Flying Misfits 1976 Smash-Up on Interstate 5 1976 The Last Day 1975 The Last Day 1975 Live a Little, Steal a Lot 1974 Columbo: An Exercise in Fatality 1974 You Can't Steal Love 1974 Live a Little, Steal a Lot 1974 Murph the Surf 1974 The Adventures of Nick Carter 1972 The Adventures of Nick Carter 1972 Five Desperate Women 1971 Confessions of the D.A. Man 1971 Five Desperate Women 1971 The D.A.: Conspiracy to Kill 1971 The D.A.: Conspiracy to Kill 1971 Weekend of Terror 1970 Weekend of Terror 1970 The D.A.: Murder One 1969 The D.A.: Murder One 1969 Crossfire 1967 The Bandits 1967 Young Dillinger 1965 Young Dillinger 1965 Palm Springs Weekend 1963 Palm Springs Weekend 1963 Red Nightmare 1962 The Commies Are Coming, the Commies Are Coming 1962