TV History Behind Closed Doors Coronation Street Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Presents Interpol Calling Interpol Calling Maigret Maigret Rheingold Theatre The Sweeney The Sweeney The Waiting Time
Movie History Young Indiana Jones and the Trenches of Hell 1999 Young Indiana Jones and the Trenches of Hell 1999 Possession 1981 Possession 1981 Uhrwerk Orange 1971 Laranja Mecânica 1971 Arancia meccanica 1971 A Clockwork Orange 1971 A Clockwork Orange 1971 A Clockwork Orange 1971 Underground 1970 Underground 1970 Viva the revolution! 1970 Duffy 1968 Duffy 1968 Arabesque 1966 Arabeske 1966 Arabesque 1966 Arabesque 1966 The Main Attraction 1963 The Main Attraction 1963 The Great Van Robbery 1959 The Great Van Robbery 1959