Movie History Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina 1972 The Case Is Closed: Forget It 1971 L'istruttoria è chiusa: dimentichi 1971 L'istruttoria è chiusa: dimentichi 1971 Splendori e miserie di Madame Royale 1970 $1,000 on the Black 1966 Baño de sangre al salir el sol 1966 Captain From Toledo 1966 Captain From Toledo 1966 Five for Revenge 1966 Ezer Dollárt a Feketére 1966 Los cinco de la venganza 1966 Sartana 1966 The Becket Affair 1966 Die Herausforderung des Herkules 1965 I due gladiatori 1964 Two Gladiators 1964 Two Gladiators 1964 Seven Seas to Calais 1963 Messalina vs. the Son of Hercules 1963 Messalina Against the Son of Hercules 1963 Gladiator of Rome 1962 Catalina de Rusia 1962 El retorno de Maciste 1962 Il gladiatore di Roma 1962 Gladiator of Rome 1962 Battles of the Gladiators 1962 Sword of Damascus 1962 Battles of the Gladiators 1962 Sword in the Shadows 1961