TV History A Bit of a Do A Bit of a Do Dempsey and Makepeace Dempsey and Makepeace Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Haggard Heartbeat Heartbeat Heartbeat Heartbeat Inspector Alleyn Inspector Alleyn Mysteries Inspector Alleyn Mysteries Michael Arditti: The Family Hotel The False Diaghilev The Sweeney The Sweeney Wish Me Luck Wish Me Luck
Movie History Heartbeat: Changing Places 1998 Scales of Justice 1993 Scales of Justice 1993 Hand in Glove 1993 Hand in Glove 1993 Dead Water 1993 Dead Water 1993 The Woman in Black 1989 The Woman in Black 1989 Being Normal 1982 Being Normal 1982 Not So Dusty 1955 Not So Dusty 1955 West of Zanzibar 1954 West of Zanzibar 1954 West of Zanzibar 1954 Where No Vultures Fly 1951 Where No Vultures Fly 1951 Where No Vultures Fly 1951 Ivory Hunter 1951