Image for the TV series Animanimals



The "Animanimals" are animals with little quirks; each one of them is facing an adventure that can only happen to him; while finding the solution, each animal learns a little lesson about life.

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Upcoming TV Listings for Animanimals

Animanimals Ladybird

The ladybird has a ladybird neighbor who has a bit too much in common with him.

7:49 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Animanimals Anglerfish

The little anglerfish has to go to bed, but the waters are full of threatening creatures.

8:59 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Animanimals Tiger

The tiger is supposed to perform a daring circus trick but he's too scared to go through with it.

3:16 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Animanimals T-Rex

The T-Rex isn't skilled at playing basketball.

12:04 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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The "Animanimals" are animals with little quirks; each one of them is facing an adventure that can only happen to him; while finding the solution, each animal learns a little lesson about life.

2:22 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Animanimals Squirrel

The squirrel mother is busy gathering nuts, so she doesn't have any time to look after her kids.

2:54 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Animanimals Parrot

The parrot is getting on all the other animals' nerves because he won't stop screeching.

3:44 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Animanimals Schwan

The swan falls in love with a swan lady, but she only sees her own reflection.

7:11 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Animanimals Dormouse

The dormouse oversleeps and misses his birthday party.

3:14 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Animanimals Bear

Before the bear can go into hibernation, he has to find the cricket whose chirps keep him from falling asleep.

4:57 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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