Image for the TV series Leo's Pollinators

Leo's Pollinators


Leo the catfish leads a team of kid eco-heroes on a mission to save any and all creatures that help plants grow by spreading pollen.

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Upcoming TV Listings for Leo's Pollinators

Leo's Pollinators Up on the Hilltop

The team finds a brand-new species that has never been collected in Canada, and add it to one of the largest insect collections in the world; Housten helps hoverfly expert Jeff Skevington find a new hill-topping hoverfly; Chloe records a new species.

6:36 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Leo's Pollinators Sphinx Moth

The PollinHeads are heading to Bruce Peninsula National Park to shine the spotlight on night-time pollinators, moths; Housten and Chloe are headed into the night with Maddie from Bruce Peninsula National Park to check up on these pollinators.

6:36 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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