Image for the TV series Momolu and Friends

Momolu and Friends


Momolu, a gentle panda, helps his friends with their problems.

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Upcoming TV Listings for Momolu and Friends

Momolu and Friends The Sound of Music

DJ Bass and Pepe can't perform their new song due to a melodious malfunction; the quest for tunes leads the friends on a musical chase around Ita Island.

10:32 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends Please Don't Go

DJ Bass goes to visit another island, causing Pepe to miss her terribly. Momolu tries to distract Pepe from thinking about his friend, but it turns out what he needs to do is the exact opposite.

9:37 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends What to Do About Babies

The beaver kits won't calm down and go to sleep, so the solution is to find inspiration from the soothing sound of nature.

12:28 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends Eye in the Sky

Banni wants to give Pikkumo a card, but it turns out to be difficult because clouds can't hold things; she learns that one size doesn't always fit all, and that she needs to make a gift that takes her friends speciality into account.

10:32 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends Box Full of Dinosaurs

Banni can't decide which toy to bring with her over to Pepe's house. Inspiration comes to her in the form of Hiko's book on dinosaurs.

12:29 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends Bouncing Baby Beavers

Hiko offers to look after the beaver kits but ends up struggling to keep up with the energetic duo; the trick is in getting them to want to stay in one place, instead of chasing after them.

10:26 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends Painting Pals

Kimu wants to draw a picture of a majestic unicorn; as Kimu's friends recommend different painting techniques, Kimu learns the importance of trying until he finds his own style.

12:29 PM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends Creative Campers

Banni goes camping with her friends, but forgets to bring her art supplies; by turning the problem around, Banni realises that instead of drawing nature she can use nature to make art.

9:38 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends Cupcake Cafe

Kimu prepares for the opening of his new restaurant but in his haste, he forgets to paint; Momolu, Nooni and Banni help and teach Kimu about being perfectly imperfect.

10:32 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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Momolu and Friends Rock Snake

Nooni gets so excited building the world's longest rock snake, she stays out too late; afraid of the dark, a new friend helps her find a way back home.

9:38 AM on TVO (TV Ontario)

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