TV History La dimensión desconocida Night Gallery Night Gallery Once an Eagle Operation Petticoat The Twilight Zone The Twilight Zone The Twilight Zone
Movie History The Deplorable 2018 Youth in Oregon 2016 Youth in Oregon 2016 Trust, Greed, Bullets & Bourbon 2013 Trust, Greed, Bullets & Bourbon 2013 Universal Signs 2008 Brooklyn Sonnet 2001 Borough of Kings 2001 Borough of Kings 2001 Cupid & Cate 2000 Cupid & Cate 2000 Maze 2000 Maze 2000 Gone Are the Dayes 1984 Prince Jack 1984 Desperate Intruder 1983 The Memory of Eva Ryker 1980 The Memory of Eva Ryker 1980 Guns, Sin and Bathtub Gin 1979 The Lady in Red 1979 The Lady in Red 1979 Diary of Richie Brockelman 1978 Ransom for Alice 1977 Ransom for Alice 1977 Heatwave! 1974 Roll, Freddy, Roll 1974 Manhunter 1974 Roll, Freddy, Roll 1974 Cry Rape! 1973 Greenwich Village Story 1963 They Love as They Please 1963 Birthplace of the Hootenanny 1963